Eminla's Blog

February 11, 2015

Gloom Doom

Filed under: Family,Life in General,Marriage,Relationships — eminla @ 9:05 pm

February 11, 2015

Ten days since I found out that my husband of three years has fathered a child out of a one-night stand with another woman.

I have been behind my filing activities at home. On Feb 1st, I sat down in front of the computer determined to organize our shared drive. I saw old photos and deleted some. Suddenly, a set of photos taken Jan 6th, 2015 showed my husband carrying a child, rather awkwardly. Maybe, a colleague in the office brought her child.

A few days later, I see another set of photos taken the day before, my husband carrying a child on his lap and taken in our condominium overseas. And another photo of a woman with the same baby in the same place.  My heart stopped, then raced. I felt like a bucket of cold water just washed over me, I felt clammy and my heart was racing, my breathing was labored. What do I do? it’s the middle of the day and my husband is travelling. I paced then decided to call his cellphone. Several rings and none, it’s midnight wherever he is. I continued to dial until he answered. I asked while controlling my voice, ‘Did you father a child with another woman?” he couldn’t answer and I knew my suspicions were right at that moment. He muttered something along the lines of, ‘let’s wait till I get back, I’ll explain the circumstances.” What circumstances to explain, the bottom line is he was sleeping with someone else and fathered a child. My brain raced and thought of all the complications this presents in our life.

I wanted to sleep like Rip Van Winkle and wake up same day that this crisis is all over.

August 6, 2010

Hardwork and an Abundance of Luck

Filed under: Life in General — eminla @ 11:35 pm

I am now a proud holder of a California driver’s license. Nine months after I got my temporary permit and after re-scheduling it once, I finally, took the courage to do the behind-the-wheel test. I agonized for weeks, read the DMV manual from front-to-back and reviewed it several times, I scoured the web for tips,  and I practiced, practiced, practiced. At the end of the day it’s a combination of hardwork and luck. The examiner has the final say whether I deserve to pass or not.  Honestly, I think there was just an abundance of luck on my side today. I made several misses during the test and I was rather nervous at first. The examiner was chatting to me throughout the test. We came from the same country so we had common grounds to talk about.  There were several of us waiting in the queue for the test but it was my luck that I was assigned to him. What are the odds?  I wince my head in disbelief.

August 5, 2010

lazy blogger

Filed under: Outdoor Activities,Sabbatical — eminla @ 10:07 pm

And here I am, 3 months after my last blog. What can I say, school was a big distraction. No, business statistics and wrangling with what is the best global strategy kept  me busy for 3 months!! Pathetic ha. However,  I’ve started a small flower garden in our backyard. Felt so excited when I started to see green little leaves sprouting from the ground where I dropped the seeds. The former vacant patch of land is now full of tiny, green plants that hopefully, will become full of flowers, soon. Such a simple thing and yet, it brought me so much fun and joy to see the plants grow. Our  small garden has now become a place I look forward to checking everyday rather than just a place to pass through from the street to our house.

April 7, 2010

green blogger

Filed under: Uncategorized — eminla @ 4:36 pm

Blogging – never done it, so here I am testing the waters. The big Q, what do I blog about? Maybe I could write about my life in general. I recently moved to a new country. That’s it! Blog about how I slowly create a new world for me in a new country and learn a new way of living in a culture different from what I was born into. Hmmm..sounds exciting when I think about it but can I write about it in an exciting way? We will see!

Hello world!

Filed under: Uncategorized — eminla @ 4:21 pm

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